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Concepts 0
Geographical areas 0
Datasets 1
Frequency 0
Payments (1974)
Securities (1974)
Securities clearing (1974)
Securities trading (1974)
Security settlements (1974)
Listed securities number (495)
Executed trades value (494)
Executed trades number (492)
Number of participants (449)
Listed companies (44)
Market capitalisation (44)
Austria (61)
Belgium (122)
Bulgaria (77)
Cyprus (77)
Czech Republic (154)
France (61)
Germany (61)
Greece (122)
Hungary (77)
Ireland (60)
Italy (305)
Luxembourg (61)
Malta (77)
Netherlands (61)
Not applicable (122)
Poland (154)
Portugal (122)
Romania (63)
Slovakia (77)
Slovenia (58)
Spain (122)
United Kingdom (77)
AMECO (AME) (121)
ATM, OTC and POS terminal transactions (PTT) (46933)
Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (64269)
Balance Sheet Items for Payments (BSP) (3466)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (77616)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (88899)
Balance of Payments statistics, national data (discontinued) (ST1) (714)
Bank Lending Survey Statistics (BLS) (20913)
Bank Lending Survey Statistics (historical) (BLS1) (1959)
Survey on Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) (288525)
Target Balances (TGB) (44)
Total general government expenditure by functions (COFOG),(Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 11)
(E11) (159501)
Trade weights (WTS) (49703)
Transactions in payments systems (PST) (15982)
Annual (2171)
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